Home > Waheed Zafar Qasmi > Zuban Jo Di Hai Tujhe

Zuban Jo Di Hai Tujhe

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Download MP3 Naat Zuban Jo Di Hai Tujhe by famous Naat Khawan or see lyrics of one of the best naat mp3 Zuban Jo Di Hai Tujhe at MP3Naat.com. has recited this beautiful Naat Sharif Zuban Jo Di Hai Tujhe in a melodious and soothing voice. If you want to download this top naat, simply click the three vertical dots on the mp3 player and then download.

Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi is a famous Naat Khawan from Pakistan. His beautiful and unique God-gifted style of Holy Quran recitation has earned him internation recognition. He has also won many competitions of Qir’at. Pride of performance award was given to Waheed Zafar Qasmi in 1984 by the President of Pakistan. MP3Naat.com have compiled the most popular MP3 Naat list of him for the audience. Download any Naat by click the download button in front of the the player.

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